Comments (4)
This is stellar for your first game, man, good going! I enjoyed little narrative that was going on at the start of each level. I do have a couple things to mention:
The height of the player was a little strange, he felt too tall or too small in certain areas for me.
I started to play a second time, and for some reason the money didn't update when I picked up an item(in the first stage). I wish I could provide you with more info on how to replicate this.
It's a little unclear as to when the homeowner catches you in the 3rd level, so you might wanna make that more clear with some sound effect, or a warning on the screen that tells the player.
Keep it up!
Its a good start for your first game, may i suggest in future random generation of items positions and some background music to break the silence a little.
Life of a Thief
This is an unfinished game project that I made for my Game Development course in uni. The first 2 levels are complete and the 3rd level needs a little more work, but I couldn't find the time to finish the last level. This is the first game I've ever made, so I'll appreciate all the feedback I can get. It would mean so much to me if you take the time to give my game a try. It only takes about 10 minutes to finish it. Thank you for playing!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the models featured in the game. They are all free assets that I found from the amazing creators of Sketchfab and Unity Asset Store. #other #adventure #horror #retro