Arcade Survival Time

Survival time in the Arcade mode of Maddening Relapse 2.

  1. # 1
    225:01 (Died to an abyss while in Second Wind in the Fifty Shades theme)
    HotondoNeko @HotondoNeko
    over 9 years ago
  2. # 3
    207:90 (Destroyed by the infamous Wall in the Nippon Ni theme)
    legen_waitforit_dary @legen_waitforit_dary
    over 7 years ago
  3. # 5
    162:20 (Died to Slain by a dodgy bungee while in Second Wind in the 2Mad theme)
    Hilda Edwards ( guest )
    over 2 years ago
  4. # 7
    155:33 (Died to Died to a crevasse in the 2Mad theme)
    Muhammed Johnston ( guest )
    over 2 years ago
  5. # 9
    149:56 (Died to Slain by a huge spike in the 2Mad theme)
    Brenda Davis ( guest )
    about 9 years ago
  6. # 11
    145:69 (Died to Destroyed by a bloody great hole in the Tricker's Treat theme)
    Natalie Wilson ( guest )
    over 8 years ago
  7. # 13
    140:81 (Died to Murdered by an abyss in the Sunny Day theme)
    Stephanie Nemeth ( guest )
    about 9 years ago
  8. # 15
    140:03 (Died to Died to an abyss in the 2Mad theme)
    Lucas Kay ( guest )
    about 9 years ago
  9. # 17
    134:46 (Died to Destroyed by a crevasse in the Sunny Day theme)
    Aiden Phillips ( guest )
    about 9 years ago
  10. # 19
    130:93 (Died to Slain by parts unknown in the Off to the Rave theme)
    Thomas Ellis ( guest )
    about 9 years ago
  11. # 21
    125:81 (Died to a sharp spike in the 2Mad theme)
    hexioum64 @hexioum64
    over 9 years ago
  12. # 23
    122:83 (Died to an abyss while in Second Wind in the Cheque Please theme)
    RC @RedChu
    over 9 years ago
  13. # 25
    121:44 (Killed by an abyss in the Cartoon Heroes theme)
    over 9 years ago
  14. # 27
    118:51 (Died to Slain by the infamous Wall in the Look How Rich I Am theme)
    Kirsty Ellis ( guest )
    over 4 years ago
  15. # 29
    117:44 (Died to a crevasse in the Fifty Shades theme)
    Brooklyn Wood ( guest )
    over 9 years ago
  16. # 31
    116:01 (Died to Murdered by the nutso Wall in the 2Mad theme)
    Brian Brown ( guest )
    about 9 years ago
  17. # 33
    113:63 (Died to Died to parts unknown in the 2Mad theme)
    Allison Johnson ( guest )
    over 6 years ago
  18. # 35
    110:10 (Died to a bloody great hole in the Cheque Please theme)
    Dark Bloodbane @DarkBloodbane
    over 9 years ago
  19. # 37
    108:00 (Died to Murdered by a tall place while in Second Wind in the iReland theme)
    Daniel Gray ( guest )
    almost 9 years ago
  20. # 39
    106:43 (Died to Killed by a bloody great hole in the 2Mad theme)
    Richard Rodriguez ( guest )
    over 9 years ago
  21. # 41
    104:73 (Died to Destroyed by a crevasse in the 2Mad theme)
    Isabella Thomas ( guest )
    almost 9 years ago
  22. # 43
    103:95 (Died to Destroyed by parts unknown in the 2Mad theme)
    Iain Wood ( guest )
    about 9 years ago
  23. # 45
    103:59 (Died to a dodgy bungee while in Second Wind in the 2Mad theme)
    over 9 years ago
  24. # 47
    102:96 (Died to a shiny spike in the Well Cut Lass theme)
    Alanis Rimmer ( guest )
    over 9 years ago
  25. # 49
    102:75 (Died to the infernal Wall in the Off to the Rave theme)
    Esther Beckham ( guest )
    over 9 years ago
  1. # 2
    210:06 (Died to Murdered by a bloody great hole in the Nippon Ni theme)
    Xena Phillips ( guest )
    about 9 years ago
  2. # 4
    165:00 (Died to Slain by a dodgy bungee in the 2Mad theme)
    Chloe Hughes ( guest )
    about 8 years ago
  3. # 6
    158:63 (Died to a rusty spike in the 2Mad theme)
    Sophia White ( guest )
    over 9 years ago
  4. # 8
    151:59 (Died to the metaphoric Wall in the Off to the Rave theme)
    Eezy Seven @EezySeven
    over 9 years ago
  5. # 10
    148:51 (Died to Murdered by the infamous Wall in the 2Mad theme)
    Wallace Murphy ( guest )
    over 2 years ago
  6. # 12
    143:01 (Died to Killed by the infernal Wall in the Nippon Ni theme)
    Arnold Mills ( guest )
    almost 9 years ago
  7. # 14
    140:13 (Died to Slain by a shiny spike in the 2Mad theme)
    Richard Thomas ( guest )
    about 7 years ago
  8. # 16
    138:10 (Died to parts unknown in the 2Mad theme)
    Charlotte Hill ( guest )
    over 9 years ago
  9. # 18
    133:85 (Died to a tall place in the Tricker's Treat theme)
    Andrew Thomas ( guest )
    over 9 years ago
  10. # 20
    129:51 (Murdered by the dreaded Wall in the 2Mad theme)
    IrinaMelnichuk1 @IrinaMelnichuk1
    5 months ago
  11. # 22
    125:14 (Died to Slain by the metaphoric Wall while in Second Wind in the Well Cut Lass theme)
    Phillip Cook ( guest )
    over 9 years ago
  12. # 24
    121:76 (Died to Died to a tall place in the 2Mad theme)
    Emily Scott ( guest )
    over 9 years ago
  13. # 26
    120:85 (Died to a sharp spike in the Well Cut Lass theme)
    Arnold Morrisette ( guest )
    over 9 years ago
  14. # 28
    118:01 (Died to Killed by an abyss in the 2Mad theme)
    Lily Evans ( guest )
    over 2 years ago
  15. # 30
    116:13 (Died to Murdered by a tall place in the 2Mad theme)
    Violet Fox ( guest )
    over 9 years ago
  16. # 32
    115:56 (Died to a crevasse in the HM03 theme)
    Till_Fill @Till_Fill
    over 9 years ago
  17. # 34
    112:01 (Died to Slain by a bloody great hole in the 2Mad theme)
    Sophia Owen ( guest )
    over 9 years ago
  18. # 36
    109:40 (Died to Murdered by a bloody great hole in the 2Mad theme)
    Yoshi Morgan ( guest )
    over 8 years ago
  19. # 38
    106:64 (Died to Slain by a steel spike in the 2Mad theme)
    Kurt Griffiths ( guest )
    about 9 years ago
  20. # 40
    105:61 (Died to a crevasse in the 2Mad theme)
    Charlotte Reid ( guest )
    over 9 years ago
  21. # 42
    104:13 (Died to Killed by a dodgy bungee in the 2Mad theme)
    Ross Davies ( guest )
    about 9 years ago
  22. # 44
    103:88 (Died to an abyss in the Sunny Day theme)
    Knowledge @knowledge
    over 9 years ago
  23. # 46
    103:13 (Died to an abyss in the HM03 theme)
    Frederick Campbell ( guest )
    over 9 years ago
  24. # 48
    102:78 (Died to Murdered by an abyss while in Second Wind in the 2Mad theme)
    Sophie Wright ( guest )
    over 9 years ago
  25. # 50
    102:61 (Died to Died to a misjudged spike while in Second Wind in the 2Mad theme)
    Leah Young ( guest )
    over 2 years ago