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Find a buddy and battle it out building your own armies from archers, pikemen, militia, horsemen, peasants and cannons. Or simply hit quick battle or quickbattle vs comp and start the game right away.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

Version 1.0.0 Now with AI and formation.

In this update you can Vs the computer and enjoy pressing f to change from tight formations to loose formations.

now with pikes!

newest version includes a new unit pikemen.
This classic of a unit is strong vs calvalry yet weak against swordsmen.

sweet new stuff!

added heaps of code to make the game super fun!
stuff like troop rotation while moving.
filing system so no stragglers.
check out the new vid [ ]


Added water and bridges option.

now in custom game clicking the water icon gives you a river to battle across.

Build your own army functionally implemented.

new click and place sytem to make custom battles, also rightclick to remove units you didn’t mean to place.

version 0.2.0 Now with archers.

I’ve just updated my game soon after releasing it to include a unit of archers to help make life hard for the red team.