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As years go by, Wily's antics continued, but his age is reaching to him, he goes to give it his all for his final time. Megaman has to stop him one last time and discover secrets hidden within to the future of megaman's life #platformer #arcade

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

First of the boss updates, Loud Man. Now hes really rocking that showstar look!

3 boss stages are complete on the layout. this weekend im going to push to finsh the rest and get ready to start on the wily stages for the week. Then we'll start enemies and gimmicks.

not alot of things have been shown and thanks to alot of time ive lost because of things in my life. we've got some mildly good news! 2 Stages are complete and 1 boss has been reworked.

Ill be putting achievements in this game eventually and over time as i put progress in, ill drop a few achievements here and there while hinting at others!

making stages are a pain, i dont know why i expected this part would be the easiest