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Update 1.7.2: RNG of Supernova letters increase !

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Memory Maze

Version: 1.7.5about 4 years ago
English / Français Memory Maze is a new maze game with an original concept. Designed for all types of players and all ages. Get to the end of the maze as fast as you can by memorizing the path.

English / Français

Memory Maze is a new maze game with an original concept. Designed for all types of players and all ages.



Get to the end of the maze as fast as you can by memorizing the path. But be careful! The walls of the maze disappear from the screen after a short period of time! Use the powers you accumulated. Use your memory and try to be as fast as possible. But don’t touch the walls of the maze.

Movements : WASD, ZQSD or/and arrows

Powerups : 1,2,3

Collect all letters from each maze themes to increase the challenge.



The mazes are randomly generated and increase in size as you complete them. Your memory and speed as the key elements of these puzzles. The number of different mazes is infinite!

Earn a maximum of points in order to unlock the different available themes to personalize your maze and your player.


Français / English

Memory maze est un nouveau jeu de labyrinthe au concept original. Pour tous les âges et tous les types de joueurs.

Atteint la sortie du labyrinthe le plus rapidement possible en mémorisant le chemin. Les murs du labyrinthe disparaissent de l'écran ! Utilise tes pouvoirs récoltés. Utilise ta mémoire et ta vitesse. Ne touche pas les murs du labyrinthe !

Les labyrinthes sont générés de manière procédurale et s'agrandissent à mesure que tu les accomplis. Ta mémoire et ta vitesse sont la clé du puzzle. Le nombre de labyrinthe est infini.

Gagne un maximum de points pour débloquer les thèmes disponibles et personnaliser ton labyrinthe et ton pion.
#puzzle #MemoryMaze #Supernovagames #Procedural #UnrealEngine #Runner #maze #mazerunner #arcade #other


Update 1.7.4 :

- Particles effect improve

- HD help page added

- Twitter button added