Comments (70)
I know I have been gone awhile no internet kills I can barely work on the game right now because I need certain images so I understand why y'all are very mad at me for being slow I'm at school right now typing this right after an exam because school was my only option to type this
I do know about the glitch if fixed it but haven't released the file I'm sorry phone data won't let me I will be getting internet soon though so that's really something to look forward to
The game will be finished I swear
but dont worry there will be romance and all kinds of surprising things
This game needs an update, I played the demo many times.
You are at a great start. I know you are very busy and probably won't read this, but there are a lot of spelling and punctuation mishaps, and a few glitches. After that, good work! Hope to see an updated version sometime soon. I'll comment again if I run into any specific glitches. Thanks for your time...
yes officaly works i tried it my self
Minecraft A New Life DEMO
A short demo to show what the game is about
A story where you are taken to a world of unknown people and new life. Where you find out how you came to this world and how to leave unless you don't want to leave.
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language