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Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

Your mission is to collect all blue shards in the fastest time. To collect them you will have to solve some puzzles and find way to use your skills properly.

Use arrow keys to move. By holding down - crouch or fall faster

SPACE - Creating box, that can interact with buttons

C - Box is able/unable to collide with player

F - Creating ForceField. It will deffend you against moving enemies. At the end it will explode


  • Player - blue box with light blue cross in the middle.

  • Box - not affected by gravity

  • Green platforms - ground

  • Red platforms - hostile platform

  • Enemy - black box with red circle in between (they can die by touching hostile platforms, or by activating button on top of them)

  • Buttons - black boxes with red square in between (will disable red Red platforms or kill enemies)

  • Portals - blue rectangle with arrows pointing down (they will teleport you to spanwn point)

  • Breakable object - transparent turquoise object with square hole in the middle (you can destroy it by touching it for some time)


  • SPACE + Arrow key UP + C - jump higher

  • Arrow key DOWN - crouch/fall faster

  • After creating forceField you can destroy it by pressing F again

PS: feel free to rate and comment :)

This is my first game so i would like to know what is done wrong, what to improve and stuff .


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