Comments (3)
omg keep it up
in the 2nd area where you got sloppy with the placement of platforms where you have to go on top of barrels and back as you make your way up, I got softlocked in a gap between 2 platforms
Great job! Movement feels fluid and natural. Character's placement relative to the camera is kinda low tho, so he tends to stick to the lowest part of the screen, which is confusing.
Megaman 3D: Run and Gun Demo
So I've been trying to teach myself Godot and Blender, and the result is this playable 3rd person shooter starring Megaman! You run and jump and shoot (like Megaman do) in glorious 3D -- simple and fast. Demo contains one level and a boss.
The characters are from Megaman Powered Up and the scenery is just some low-poly free scenery I found online. I'm not sure if I'm going to make this into a full game, but I thought I would put out a demo, since it's playable and fun.
I don't normally invite feedback on my projects, but in this case, please comment what you like and what you didn't, or what you'd like to see in a full version, if I make one. Also, if anyone knows where I can find some good 3D future-looking scenery, let me know.
Cheers, everyone.
Controls are WASD + mouse. Esc to quit.
#retro #platformer #shooter #megaman #mega #adventure #demo #fangame #fan #3D #godot #3rdperson