
Comments (8)

What do you think?

nunca vai lançar o completo

quando sera que vai lança a versao completa

Pfv me diz que esse jogo ainda está sendo criado

melhor jogo BR ;-;

Hey! A member of our new channel, GIGAFYTE, just did a Let's Play of this game and both him and I (the editor) loved it! It's a really fun game and the art style is wonderful! It really brings back that gameboy vibe and the nostalgia is real. Nickie enjoyed playing the game, but struggled a lot at the robot boss battle. Unfortunately, he was unable to get past the boss after eleven tries, hahah, so that's where we played up until. We really would appreciate anyone checking out our gameplay of it below, and our channel in general! We're new, but we put a lot of effort into our videos and we really hope you guys enjoy them. Either way, highly recommend this game to everyone out there interested in 8-bit games.

-- Alex [Editor of GIGAFYTE]


Möira Demo

Version: 0.1.0about 9 years ago

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Möira's Theme

Möira, a retro platformer game inspired by the early Gameboy years with metroidvania and RPG elements.

The character you control is called Rubick, a not so gifted magic student that relies on copying his foe's abilities with his unique power, Mimic, in order to use them to his own advantage. As you progress in the story, you’ll be able to memorize certain types of magic powers obtained from bosses or important NPCs. The puzzles throughout the game will require you to utilize various powers to advance.

One of the main features in this game will be how the player will be able to copy the ability of every enemy in the game.

Besides just copying abilities, you'll be able to combine them. Every combination has its own properties and the order of combination alters the product.

In Möira, you'll be able to explore the magic kingdoms presented in the story; and every single one of them will have their unique
characters, enemies and bosses. Different environments will also come with new mechanics.

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Mild Cartoon Violence

News Update #1

Möira's Gamejolt page is live!