
Comments (19)

What do you think?

As usual, good metroidvania from Jani

Had to do couple retries in some spots but most of the part, there's no problem and I can complete the game

nice game for fun and quick

Es un increíble juego


por favor olhen entren no link


A Graveyard for Dreams

Version: 0.9.3about 4 years ago

"When dreams die, they are buried in an unnamed graveyard beyond the world of dreams.

However, some dreams are so powerful they refuse to remain dead.

We call them nightmares."

A Graveyard for Dreams is a pixelart metroidvania you never asked for, but got it nonetheless. You play as some... thing... that explores the World of Dreams to do stuff. And things. You know how it goes.


Gamepad controls are mentioned inside parenthesis ( ). 

  • Move: Arrow keys or (left stick) or (dpad)

  • Jump: Z or (A)

  • Attack (requires a weapon): X or (X)

  • Throw a boomerang (requires a weapon): C or (B)

  • Pause: Enter or (Start) (or whatever it is called in an ordinary Xbox 360 pad, I have 8BitDo SN30 Pro where it is called start...)

  • Open a map (requires a map, obviously): Left shift or (shoulder buttons) (you know, L and R)

Special moves are described in-game. If you have a non-QWERTY keyboard, the keyboard keys should be those with corresponding locations, but possibly with different character in them.

Known bugs:

  • Only <missing symbol>  more to go" or "Only 0 more to go" when obtaining orbs

  • A bug that might still exist: if you play the game on slower hardware (that is, 60 framerate cannot be maintained), sometimes the cursor in menus may skip some lines

Unknown bugs:

The rest

Source code:


#metroidvania #platformer #adventure #action #pixelart #retro #bananas #literally #the #game #does #have #a #banana #this #time #javascript #html5 #web

Mild Cartoon Violence

A beta version is out now. It's buggy and everything, but it's playable, and can be beaten.

If you find any bugs (or typos), please post a comment so I'll add those bugs to "known bugs" section in the description and fix them later.

The first beta version is coming next weekend (or tomorrow). I just played the game through and it works, but it still has a few bugs.

The beta will be public, and the main goal is to make the game stable enough for the, eh, "stable" release.




Night is coming.

Note that "night" is just used to reveal some objects that are required to collect to enter the final area, it's not a distinct game area.

More about it later.

I started working on the actual game map (the map you have seen in the gifs and videos was a test map), and here's the progress this far. About 50% done.