
Comments (23)

What do you think?

Seems really good! Can't wait to see what you do next with it

I wonder how good this is going to be, I loved your game schwarzerblitz, I think it's going to be great too

What a nice game dude, after years you're games will be more awesome.

I was wondering If you dont mind , Ive gotten into 3d modeling recently and experimenting with game development but im still kinda new to 3d since ive only worked on mugen projects thus far. I was hoping to use your game as a kickoff to use as a reference for what its like to use texturing and 3d models for a game. its all up to you though and will only continue thus far with your permission

add mystery johnson


Motionsickness - 2.5D fighting game

Version: 0.3.1almost 2 years ago
Motionsickness, an unhinged, finger-twisting 2.5D fighting game. Quirky characters, impossible motions, impossible damage! Currently in open alpha!

Press Kit

Version: 1.0.0almost 4 years ago
Press kit with official logo and screenshots

From the creators of Schwarzerblitz... a new, weird, unhinged and finger-twisting fighting game!

Impossible motions for impossible damage!

Tired of the trend of fighting games getting simpler and simpler as time goes on?

Are you excited by the idea of ending your combo with a half-circle-forward into bretzel motion?

Do you like juggle combos and free-form roman cancels on hit or block?

If the answer of any of these questions is "yes", welcome to the world of Motionsickness!


One style for everybody!

Each character has access to four different input styles, suitable for different categories of players and different skill levels:

  • Basic: one-button specials, limited damage and limited selection of moves. Perfect for newcomers or players who prefer consistency and low risk over having more damaging but more unreliable tools;

  • Standard: standard fighting game motions (qcf, dragon punches...), for intermediate players and those with already some experience in 2D fighting games. Has average damage and a bigger selection of moves;

  • Motion Madness: I hope you like weird motions, because this is the name of the game. This style sports extremely unconventional motion inputs, but has the highest selection of moves and a consistent damage boost. Motion Madness is the perfect style for all those who crave challenge and prefer high risk, high reward situations - Disclaimer: The developer is not liable for any finger-related injuries caused by playing on Motion Madness

  • X-Treme: the damage of Motion Madness, the simplicity of Standard. In other words: BOSS MODE and very tournament-illegal (unless, of course, you run an X-treme only tourney)


Content of the open alpha

  • 11 playable character, with full move lists and in-depth moveset tutorials;

  • 14 stages, mostly returning from Schwarzerblitz. New stages are planned for the future, but for evaluating the game the current selection should be enough;

  • local multiplayer;

  • human vs AI and AI vs AI;

  • a limited selection of combo trials;

  • arcade mode with final boss (still work-in-progress but already accessible)


Links and community


Important notes (before you play)

  • the game requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 redistributable. Be sure to download and install it before playing the game!

  • the game requires also Microsoft Directx9 or higher. If you have Directx12 or higher, you could experience a black-screen bug. In case of doubt, download and install the redistributable from this official link.

  • for any questions not directly covered in the F.A.Q. below, please contact me as soon as possible - possibly, before rating this game.


FAQ and Troubleshooting

Q: The game does not start. It says that [insert name here].dll is missing
A: See the important notes above. Your computer probably misses one of the necessary Windows component.

Q: The game doesn't start at all, with no error message displaying
A: In case you have this problem, it could be an issue with the default resolution saved in the default option file. To fix this, open the game folder, open the config folder and delete the file named options.ini, then restart the game. This way, you will force the game to create a new option file and detect the correct screen resolution.

Q: The game goes down to really low FPS on my laptop
A: By default, Windows runs the game with the integrated graphic card. Try right clicking the .exe to start it with the dedicated graphic card. If this does not help, go into the game settings and lower the graphics settings (resolution, post-processing, etc.)

Q: The game makes my graphic card's fan fly!
A: You can limit the frame rate in the graphic options to either 60, 120 or 144fps. This will most likely solve your graphic card fan issues, by limiting the rendered frames per second.

Q: The game's audio doesn't work
A: This is a weird issue affecting some Windows PC. I solved it by running the game as Administrator, but I am not sure on what can be the cause of it. Rebooting my PC worked for solving the issue, though.

Q: Is there any known bug / issue?
A: There is a known bug involving DirectX12. If you happen to have no view of the battle screen aside from the HUD while starting a match (i.e. black screen), dowload the DirectX9 Redistributable from Microsoft website (link) and install it on your PC. After this intervention, the game will run smoothly.

Q: the game does not recognize my input / I can't get past the title screen
A: The most likely culprit is VJoy. Disable it to make the game work If you don't have VJoy installed, then you have a "phantom joypad" somewhere. Try to find it and disable it going to Control Panel > Devices and Printers.

Q: I can't take a screenshot with Print in fullscreen mode
A: If you have Windows 10, use the command combination Win + Alt + Print. Otherwise, there's no obvious solution :/

Q: At some point, the game becomes irresponsive in windowed / borderless window mode
A: The window lost focus. Just click on it with your mouse to activate it again.

Q: Is there local any local multiplayer?
A: Yes, both with split-keyboard (very uncomfortable) or joypad + keyboard.

Q: Will there be online multiplayer?
A: You can use Parsec, at the moment - though online multiplayer is not officially planned.


#multiplayer #arcade #retro #fightinggame #beatemup #action

Fantasy Violence

Emergency fix: Doradoro's trial 3 is bugged due to an error in the Berserk Install after a nerf. Uploading a fixed build...

Motionsickness - January 2023 patch is out for download (QoL, new soundtrack)

Aaaand here's the final version, straight from the early '00s!

I got suddenly nostalgic for old game magazines (please, forgive my typo, it was pride yourself on, not of, darnit)

The borderless window bug has been isolated: I forgot to remove an old option, which activated a vestigial renderer setting that caused this. To fix it: open config/options.ini with notepad and replace 1 under Allow_Lights with 0 (see pic)