
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Yo! you still working on this?

whyen is it gonna be out its 2022

please make a alpha version i want to play it so so much

Depths is an FPS concept set in the Mystery Flesh Pit National Park by Trevor Roberts. This would have you play as an experienced Pit Engineer exploring major parts of the Permian Basin Super Organism.

This project is not currently in development, I'm on the lookout for any collaboration opportunities to make the most out of the source material into something playable.

Sloga Community Discord -

Some elements including models and textures are designed by members of the Discord community, listed below. Some cool peeps in there.

Community Credits -

GreenStranger (discord)

bigugly (discord)

King_O_King (discord)

Kudos to the YouTuber Wendigoon for making me aware of MFP


#horror #adventure #shooter #survival #scifi #retro #fps #mystery #flesh #pit #fangame

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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