New Recipe DEMO
A fun little My Little Pony (MLP) fan-game... with a dark twist. You play as Pinkie Pie, although there's something off about the cheerful pink pony...
This game contains blood, and descriptions of violence! Play at your own risk!
This game is still in development, and only a demo is available now.
https://www.deviantart.com/j5a4 for some Pinkamena vectors used!
https://www.deviantart.com/neobolt for the Mane 6 facesets used!
https://www.deviantart.com/zeka10000 for the Mane 6 sprites used!
https://www.deviantart.com/killermaregaming for the Pinkamena sprite used!
https://galvs-scripts.com/ for creating some of the plugins used! (Extra movement frames for the Pinkamena sprite)
https://www.caspergaming.com/ for creating the rest of the plugins used! (Popups! (Toast Manager))
Several tilesets were used, which you can find below!
I do not own any of the characters used, My Little Pony and everything within belongs to Hasbro, I do not claim ownership of any of the assets used save for the one song I made myself.