Comments (14)
Sometimes I get the same end screen. Like if I find 12 friends and love in my first try, then the next one I only find.say 4 and no love, the end screen will say "you found 12 friends!....and you found love!
That was a good time :)
:> Awesome
Good job, but only one track...
Ok...On my laptop, I don't hear the heartbeat ingame. Anyone with the same issue?
If yes, are you using headphones or built-in speakers?
Not Alone
Important : This is a Unity Web Game, currently working only on Firefox and Internet Explorer.
Not Alone is an experimentation/prototype built around the idea of Loneliness.
04/05/2013 : Gameplay Update!
Added a depressing Vortex that chases you!
Added Leaderboard
Added Trophies
This game was really a creative exercise for me, making it within a few days.
More info here :
Still, I hope some of you will appreciate it.
Feel free to leave a comment. I accept positive and negative feedback (as long as it is constructive ;-)
Alcohol Use