Comments (111)
This is the best game of owl time.
This was an adorable game. Didn't realize how sad it would be, and had me crying for a couple hours after playing. Difficult in some parts, but not in a frustrating way. It was just like trying to recall something and not quite getting it yet. Great job, guys. I played it to initiate my YouTube channel; here's the vid:
Right in the feels...
1: found a burrow
2:kids and adding new stuff
3: Christmas, she got something she didnt want
4: santa comes, brings her a teddy
5: the kids gets food pet
6: dinner with a small bit of food
7: then its like us kids dont wanna ever sleep
8: Christmas again no presents this year
9: finally uses lame present
10: alcoholic uncle comes over
11: teenage party you get yelled at for trying to go
12: Christmas again but she doesnt care
13: the family tree is chopped and she doesnt care that she could die
14: first boyfriend break up
15: you get sick
16: you move on to other men
17:you show your parents your new boyfriend
18: your gonna have twins!
19: by mistake you killed one, now your gonna have one kid
20: your parents come see there grandchild
21: Santa doesnt bring the kid what he wanted just like your first christams
22: then just like you they play the crappy lame game
23: your parents die, no more grandparents
24: you see the radio your father build when you where so little, you say " this brings back memories"
there are 24 stages of life, this is all of them
5 stars to the game
beautiful story made me think of how short life is and that im lucky to have my parents and have people to take care of me (by the way im only 15 so dont think im a person thats 25 that depends on my parents for money)
Owls Ever After
Linux Distribution
#LDJAM game about the life of an owl family, made by my wife and me. Remember the past, one New Year's Eve at a time.
This is a post-jam version.
Use mouse wheel or keyboard arrows to move between different years
Some memories are hidden in darkness - turn on the fairy lights to unhide them
You can turn on fairy lights with LMB - but only if you have a light power of the same color (see color indicators on the radio)
There are some mistakes in your memory - click on the things that don't belong to see the real truth. Successfully doing so will give you more power for fairy lights
Look for red markers on the radio - it hints you that you can do something in that year
There is no win or lose condition, but you can light up all the fairy lights!
A game by Mike and Tanya Mezhenin
Music: "First Snow of December" by Dusk Horizon (https://soundcloud.com/dusk_horizon/dusk-horizon-first-snow-of-december)
Sounds by kMoon, sandyrb, nfrae, radiopassiveboy (freesounds.com)
Font: "Indie Queen" by Hollie Tudor