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➤REdescover the world of PADLOCK; with a whole new story and characters !

|▝ ▙ Features ▟ ▘|

➤Padlock is a very hard singleplayer story-rich game where you aren't the only player.
➤Help Eni and Nuki get out of the world, despite their differences.
➤Find yourself in a dark and depressed world, with his own special characters and worlds.
➤The difficulty is relatively high; levels and bosses are all unique.
➤Padlock breaks his own rules very often, the game doesn't only take place in his own window.
➤Battles inspired of Touhou; and other great inspirations.
➤Complex puzzles; unblockable even with some bugs that we can find in other games.

  • ▝ ▙ Controls ▟ ▘

  • ➤Three control modes that could help you play the game ! .

A simple Keyboard mode, a Gamepad mode, and a new Mouse mode, inspired of Shoot-em-up games !

  • ▝ ▙ Languages ▟ ▘

  • ➤The game is only in English for now.

|▝ ▙ Team ▟ ▘|


Developper; level designer; scenarist ; lead artist; game designer ;programmer


Developper & scenarist


Lead artist


#adventure #action #retro #puzzle

Intense Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Yay, we can now see with what we can interact, and on which button we need to press to interact !

So, I finished to put the keys that you can press everywhere on the main menu, and the settings.

So; here's the settings menu AND the tutorial thing so you can test your keys. As you can see; there is also some buttons out there.

Hi ! So; I changed (again); the title. Surely the last change.

added a cool effect when you use you capacity. And also an outline when you're in a battle