
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Didn't get it, there was no colliders on anything and I could float up to the ceiling by scrolling the mouse wheel. Weird game, besta luck in the contest.

I love the take on party! its a really cool game! I included your game in my Game Jolt Contest 10 part 6 compilation series, if you'd like to check ti out

Such a cute idea! I love how organic the mouse model is, and if I was at a dance with those people, I would totally head bang with them. The color choices and the soft lighting make for a rather relaxing rts, but it's still exciting knowing that your mice can beat up other mice for m&m's and pizza. I also dig the level design. I thought the skateboard to chair to pizza box was very creative, as well as the discarded popcorn bags.

Pretty nasty party. Good work. 4/5

Party Moocher is areal time strategy game in which you controll a group of mice trying to colect as much food as they can durring the party. But the bad mice from the other side of the room are also trying to stockpile as much food as they can. Who will win? Only you can decide that.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
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