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Pericomod 0.1

Version: 0.1.012 months ago

Un mod de Hearts of Iron IV basado en el servidor de discord de Perico3000XD, su historia, y varios usuarios y servidores adyacentes a este.

Actualmente en la versión 0.1.

Especiales gracias a Toadman por 4 de las músicas y testearlo, a Parra por testearlo, y, obviamente, a Perico3000XD por haber sido el creador del servidor del cuál se basa todo el mod, sin él no estarías leyendo esto.

A Hearts of Iron IV mod based on the Perico3000XD discord server, its history, and various users and servers adjacent to it.

Currently in version 0.1.

Special thanks to Toadman for 4 of the music and testing it, to Parra for testing it, and, obviously, to Perico3000XD for having been the creator of the server on which the entire mod is based, without him you would not be reading this. #strategy

Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Simulated Gambling

Primer spoiler de la 0.2, la mejora del árbol de Alakran