
Ping: Origins: The Revengening 2
Ping: Origins: The Revengening 2 is what happens when you give two game students the themes "Pong" and "A shrinking game world" during a 48 hours game jam.
Grab a partner to play against in this futuristic version of Pong, where you can also shoot missiles at your foe when you're bored of making an asteroid bounce back and forth all the time.
Controls: W/S to move and E to shoot for blue, Up/Down and Enter for red. The first player to lose all their territory loses the game.
Developped by Adrien Gilly and Carly Shephard for the Vancouver film school Hat Jam #8. Huge shout out to Dani Kogan, who made the SFX and Music for our team and many others during that week-end.
Also, thanks to the organizers and jury to the Hat Jam, whom we've apparently successfully fooled into thinking that our game deserved the Best Game, Most Innovative and Best Use of the Theme Awards.