Comments (4)
dont know what this is but i came for pretty blood and i love this
You gonna makes characters in pretty blood rpg? In Full verson?
There's a build problem: Game.exe closes as soon as it's opened. Upon opening the index.html file in the WWW directory (RPG Maker games are technically browser games,) it says that it can't open Actors.json.
Pretty Blood: Justice for Elma
After the events of Red Snow, Elma meets Kling from the Just A Neighbor series who rescued her from freezing to death. Together, they will fight the evil forces for Pretty Blood.
This is a fan game, no profit is intended. Pretty Blood is owned by CuteLittleCorpse on Newgrounds (A.K.A. CuteLittleThing on YouTube). Go support the official works.
Blood and Gore
Drug Use
Strong Language