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first demo of Pulse. completely playable and includes AI, but mainly just a driving physics engine demo
a physics-based, fast-paced, futuristic racing game with a hint of tactical racing. Drift and Pulse your way to victory over other hover racers!
please note that this game only supports a gamepad/controller at this moment
-Steering: Left analog stick
-Acceleration: Right trigger
-Reverse: Left trigger
-E-Brake/Hand Brake: B/Hold B
Notable Mechanics:
-Dynamic Acceleration: farther down you hold the trigger the faster you go, and vice versa.
-Dynamic Steering: farther left and right you press the analog stick the harder you turn.
-Momentum and Velocity: the more momentum and velocity you have the longer and better you can hold a drift. And also the longer it takes to brake and reverse...Physics!
-Passive/Aggressive AI: The AI don't always play dirty. but when they do, you better watch out! they will bump you and run you off the road and cause you to spin out. putting you even farther behind. so fight back!