
Comments (35)

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Did you just try to hack me?

Va a haber versión para android?

*happiness noise*

its bacc boi!


Plants vs Zombies Garden Arena v0.0.5 (Patch Update)

Version: 0.0.5about 2 months ago
The actual game (download the fonts along with it, without it 70% of the texts will default to ariel with different font sizes than planned, thus the text will cut off in some cases)


Version: 1.0.011 months ago
Download ths along with the game, by downloading and installing the font the texts in the game will be as intended

Welcome to plants vs zombies garden arena, a recreation of my extremely old pvz fangame made from the ground up!!

This fangame include:

  • 11 exciting levels in adventure mode!!

  • Versus mode!!

  • 15 plants and 15 zombies!!

  • 4 secret plants and 4 secret zombies hidden by doing specific things in the game, vaguely explained in the achievements!!

  • challenge packs!! levels separated from adventure mode with exclusive rewards!!

  • A slight humorous tone across the whole game!!

And many many more!!

#fangame #pvz #multiplay #strategy

Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

final release date: jan 4th!! stay tuned!!

the game is finished and only needs beta testing, i dont want to release a buggy mess of an update after over 8 months of waiting yknow, if nothing goes wrong the update should come out before the end of 2024, thx for the patience :)

hey guys sry for no news for over half a month, im just struggling with college and such, i will try my best to finish the game off, i have no clear date but im trying to aim for before the end of november, thats all have a nice day :)

game's officially 90% done, i dont really have much to show anymore since all the work left are the coding stuff, im planning on releasing the update on next month if nothing goes wrong :)


god damn, no post in a long LONG time im very sry, in return have the world map of the new challenge pack!!

im back on this game yipee :D, we're 70 something precent done with the game, its just code stuff now, this could either be done in a few weeks or a few months we shall see about that

The alpha 5 devlog is HERE in all of it's glory, this is a preview of a lot of the update and whats to come, hope you guy enjoy and see ya all in about a month later bye bye and have a wonderful day!!

Plants vs Zombies Garden Arena Alpha 5 DEVLOG!!!
PLAY THE GAME NOW!! : [in the pinned comments].Game's description: ''Welcome to plants vs zombies garden arena, a recreation of my extremely old pvz fangame ...

i do have yet another college exam so ill be busy for a month so how about instead of you guys waiting so long just for one tiny preview i would do a devlog of showing a ton about the new update next week or 2 cuz there's actually a ton in this new update

  17 votes Voting finished

pine needler redesign my beloved (art by @CrisDevelop and animation by @mrhoomintheidiot )

The game is NOT DEAD, im just busy with my upcoming college exams and trying to get my diploma which is gonna waste away more than 2 months of my summer but for your paitence have the first look of the new weed variants, pumpkin head and terracotta head!!