Comments (10)
I didn't deal with this game to well. It really freaked me out at the beginning. Needs more work but this game has great potential. Great game got some good scares out of the experience.
Amazing game, very scary you got me good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r40AbqAcC7I
Seriously awesome game, the sounds and dark figures creeped the hell out of me! I even made a video about it. (Making a second part soon!)
this was amazing i hope to see a update for it soon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk8-kbT3xpQ
Great game man, I really liked it. Though the music in the day time area is loud compaired to the rest and I also got stuck in the room after the wooden sythe monster is blocking the hall. I get to the light but nothing happened other then it being collected and I couldn't find any other doors. Any suggestions?
R E A L I T Y | HORROR (by Grey Reality Studios)
What is it?
A FREE short horror game that uses a special design choice to represent the current mood of the game. The game has a couple of choices that slightly affect certain things.
Detailed Description.
REALITY is a FREE short First-Person horror game, it uses a graphical style to represent the present mood of the game. It gives the player the ability to choose and get slightly different results. The game has many mysteries you might want to uncover. The game will be completely free with no in-game transactions. All assets are made by the developers.
How much will this game cost?
This game will be free.
How long is this game?
This game is short. If you want an estimated time, it is about 20 minutes (May be more depending on the individual player).
Is this game still in development process?
No, it is completely finished. Once it is greenlit it will instantly be on steam.
Does this game contain screamers?
While it is best for you to find out yourself, There is nothing that is extremely considered a "screamer".
Does this game have weapons? A survival horror game?
Not a survival horror game. No weapons.
Are there saves?
There is no save system due to it being a fairly short game.
Epilepsy warning?
Theres a extremely low chance you can get your epilepsy triggered from this. So it is fine. Though we do not take responsibility for any individual damages caused to you.
I want to know more, where can I get frequent updates about this?
Check our contact details below.
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