Comments (12)
Interesting game, but could use more polish :3.
Here're some suggestions:
Sound effect (you can use bfxr to create retro sound effect very easy)
More variety in the game, like when you traveled certain distance, a new star will be revealed
Also, I found a glitch in score page, if press space while the char is riding the board, it will create a duplicate chars.
Good luck with your game and its improvement in the future :3.
Aww. Cute graphics. Hard gameplay. I didn't get why there were two jump buttons.
You used Kenny's graphics, which is against jam rules :/ I included it in part 19 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)
Radish Run
Radish want to playing around, after a week of works. He feel so tired and want to relaxing, so he decide to make a trip
Let's make a trip with Radish.
Run as long as you can, and collect star as much as you can. Enjoy it..