Comments (2)
This is very cool, this example of clickteam from the menu is great,
_RADSLA_ Design Tutorial MFA
The MFA, not the EXE
An MFA for new/beginner coders in clickteam fusion, that want to learn how to make a good/decent main menu.

The "_RADSLA_ Tutorial MFA" is a MFA (clickteam fusion program) that can teach beginners how to design a main menu with a centered type design, with animated twitches and animatronic in the main menu.
How did you come up with _RADSLA_? I was practicing designing and coding, and eventually found one of the old project of TRTF Volume 2, "RADSLA" so, I decided to make this open source, and a tutorial type thing for beginner clickteam users that want to learn how to make a good basic main menu and warning.

What is a Tutorial MFA? It's where a clickteam fusion program (an MFA) teaches you the coding/events that you need to make something.
I added comments to all the code, so if you get lost, you can just read the comments, and make it explained to you.
This MFA has the twitching, the glitches, and everything you basically need for a basic main menu for a FNAF Fan Game.
If you guys like this, PLEASE! Let me know, because I would love to do more of these, and help more people make good FNAF Fan Games!
Now go! Go learn the coding and go make your own great FNAF Fan Game!
(and yes, im still working on the ALTERED series. of course I am)
A slashslash studios Creation.

Go check out the ALTERED games!
#fnaf #fangame #horror #tutorial #mfa #clickteamfusion #slashslashstudios #sab