
Comments (3)

What do you think?

I can't open the game don't know why... Oh well :T

Graphics 2/5
Pretty basic stuff. I realize that this was an unfinished game, but objectively, there wasn't much visually. One plus was it ran smoothly.

Music/SFX 0/5
Once again, I realize that this game was not fully complete, but at least a few pew pew sound effects or some menu music would have been an improvement.

Controls 2/5
I feel like too much effort was put into making an xbox controller work with this game than an actual keyboard. Spacebar doesn't fire. Basically stuck with just your up and down arrow.

Wow! Factor 2/5
Not the worst...but not exactly the best...

Playability/Difficulty 2/5
It's fun for maybe the first 10 seconds of the game. Then you just endlessly dodge asteroids with a broken blaster. If the blasterworked then maybe one could actually play.

Overall Score 1.6/5
I see the concept, but objectively, this isn't really something I could sit and play even for a couple minutes. Perhaps if the game was completed then I would consider a higher rating.

Wow, cool game!



Version: 0.8.0almost 16 years ago

Raptor is an action top down arcade game. Dodge massive asteroids at high speeds, grab life saving powerups, and go for the high score!

This game supports an Xbox 360 Controller connected to your PC, and Controls are included the Readme

Remember, this is a Work in Progress, so furthur updates will have better visuals, and more content. Check out the Game News for Raptor for further information on the content to come.


Plans for Version 1.0