Comments (4)
Vai Ser Um Dos Primeiros jogos que eu vou comprar <3
This is a really cool platformer tech demo! I noticed when you spin midair she moves but doesn't decend, i think that could lead to some cool yet tricky platforming!
Razorlocks Pre-Alpha
Razorlocks is a 3D platformer currently in development that emphasizes moving fast and leaping far. Core abilities include wall running, grappling, dashing, and spinning and can all be used to navigate levels in interesting ways.
The title Razorlocks is derived from the way the character’s blade tool is connected to her hair and is used to spin and grapple. The pre-alpha version of the game contains 4 complete levels and a basic hub level. The first main level features a race challenge against an interactable character.
The game supports fully-customizable keyboard/mouse and XInput gamepad input, and you can see the default control bindings below.
Mild Cartoon Violence