
Comments (9)

What do you think?

is this related to god space in any way sorry if it sounds rood don't mean to be

I am a big SCI FI fan and this futfills my expectations!

I liked it, but I would've enjoyed it a lot more if the mouse sensitivity was a lot higher. 3/5

I was so hopeful that this would be a cool game because I love space combat games. But alas it is not to be. Can not get to full screen, Mouse sensitivity is super low, even at max settings.These two issues combines makes it impossible to play.


Reactive Inertia

Version: 1.0.0over 11 years ago

The Empire is attacking! Take control of an Alliance Frigate and fight back! Use your seeking rockets, mines, and nuclear missles to put an end to those Imperial scum! Earn credits for destroying the enemy, and put them to good use, outfitting your frigate in the Allied Docking Bay. Controls:

Movement: Mouse to look, space bar for thrusters, shift for system overdrive, a/s to roll, q/e to barrel roll, f to use inertial breaks

Weapons: left click to fire your railgun, right click to fire rockets. Tab to open inventory (in order to launch nukes/deploy flares)

Escape to open pause/options menu

Upgrade shop located in the large space ship orbiting the planet. Press ‘R’ when nearby to enter.

Mild Fantasy Violence

Sensitivity Fix

Quality Settings - Run on Any Computer

GameJolt Release and HD Update