Comments (3)
EverEmber Reborn is a sequel to the game EverEmber Online (check it out at http://www.everember.com/). They are very different in their concept and execution, but the fantasy elements and ideas are brought over from its predecessor. We have been developing EverEmber online for over 4 years, but it’s time we move on. We have also worked on various private server projects, so the developmental process is nothing new for us.
We currently have a small development team, 3 main developers, myself, and two others, Ozfer (server host, developer, IT tech) and Rex (game dev, music composer). We also have a musician assisting us with our soundtrack and a concept and logo artist.
What we need are programmers, networking specialists, artists, and developers to assist us in the games creation. We plan on kick starting it once we have a basic pre alpha to display what our game is capable of. We are low on funding, and need to purchase assets to work with, prototype, etc.… We plan on compensating everyone who works with us by using a revenue share, depending on the amount of work done, everyone shall receive fair compensation upon funding and release.
-Experience with Unity and its technology
-Interest in the games concept
-Ability to do one of the things listed in our needs, either C# unity programming, mapping and game development, 3d, texture or various GUI art abilities.
-Time to dedicate to the game, we don’t have a constraint but a few hours every couple of days will suffice.
-Be able to communicate in English, as all of our team speaks English either fluently or well.
-Have a method through which we could pay you eventually.
These are some of the games concept art, and the theme has been attached.
If you are interested, please do contact us via [email protected] or DM me here on unity forums with what you can do for us, why we interest you, and whatever questions or comments you have. Feel free to join our website if you cannot help us in development, but instead can assist us by playing the game upon release or testing it!
See you in the land of EverEmber.
i don't know >:(
EverEmber Reborn is in a new genre of games of its own. Although it can be categorized as a Hardcore Openworld MMOARPG, it doesn't follow the standards of the genre. Cut right to the chase and have fun, no more grinding, linear questing, and playing MMO's like single player games with people around you. Truly experience an MMO as what it should be, a player interaction driven game with actual attachment to your character with a deeply immersive experience.
You are free to travel, explore, fight, meet new people, progress through the ranks, and eventually conquer Ember Castle for yourself. With a vivid player based economy that thrives on player made items with a in game crafting system and a hardcore dangerous world to traverse, interaction between players is vital. The goal of this game is to recreate a emotional connection with your character, with hardcore death experiences, human interaction, and skill based combat.
Players are free to role-play, form teams, and add each other to their groups. Friends can add each other to each others parties, and travel in safety across the large world of EverEmber or step into the darkest realms of danger exploring dragons pasture or the reapers cavern. PVP is rich, with plenty of options between melee weaponry, potions, ranged weapons, and armor. Guilds will keep the player base together, forming guilds, partnerships and guild wars for Ember Castle. A lack of class constraints creates a truly unique game play experience, which enables for players to freely change between individualized play styles at any moment!
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language