
RPS2016 Beta

Version: 0.0.1almost 9 years ago
The Beta releases of Riskrim Poking Simulator 2016

Ever wanted to poke Riskrim?
..Nah, me neither.. But it doesn't matter any way because now you can poke him all you want! (Not really RIGHT now, because the game is not done yet.. but you know what I mean) Complete with the best graphics, soundtrack, voice-acting, and story-line (sarcasm) and more game mechanics than GTA. (And once again, that's some more sarcasm)
Riskrim Poking Simulator 2016...
Coming soon to theaters near you.. (once again, not really)

Comments are disabled due to the fact I won't be active that much on GameJolt, so I would like it if you just sent it to my e-mail: [email protected]
Thanks! :D



Issue Running The Beta Release

We sent the Beta to a friend for a bit of feedback, but they couldn’t open the game, is any one else having this issue? Please tell us, we will attempt to fix the problem as soon as possible.

Beta Release 1 Completed! (kinda)

Possible Beta Release Soon!