
Comments (3)

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I can't open your game because windows is protecting my pc XD


Roberto the Game 2: RPG (Alpha 0.1 Demo)

Version: 0.1.0over 8 years ago

Woohoo! I finally pushed myself to release the demo for this game! I worked on most of it last summer, but this summer I finished it up cause I was bored :D.
Roberto is a character I made up in 7th grade. He has a weird, German-ish accent, a swagtastic beanie, and, for some reason, a lot of backstory. I also made Roberto the Game 1 in 7th grade for a school project. If you want to check that out go here. It's super laggy, watch out.
Last summer, I thought, "You know what we all need? A Roberto sequel." And so, that's what I did. Enjoy!

			      If you have any bug reports, questions, reviews, or videos: please, please,  PLEASE post them in the comments! I would be so happy for the attention. ;)


Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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