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The Royal Games DEMO

Version: 5.0.1over 3 years ago

Hello, we are a couple of students who are developing a Third Person Shooter witch battle royal mechanics.

The development is focused on implementing a tournament mode where players face other one by one.

The intention of this is to avoid Third Partys on the game and make this a full skill 1 vs 1 game.


Hola que tal somos un par de estudiantes los cuales estamos desarrollando un Juego de disparos en tercera persona con mec谩nicas de Batlle royal.

El desarrollo va centrado en聽implementar una modalidad torneo donde los jugadores se enfrenten uno por uno.

La intenci贸n es impedir que terceras personas interrumpan un combate y que el ganador se defina por habilidad en un combate uno a uno.

#thirdperson #shooter #battleroyal #multiplayer

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans

New menu design for the game


Video Gameplay Alfa Royal Games.

Weapon created by an Apex Legeds Weapon Bug.


Arma creada por un Bug de armas de Apex Legeds.

Una breve vista del modelo con sus Uv麓s que despu茅s pintaremos.


A brief view of the model with its UV's that we will later use to texturize .


Multiplayer system, Create room, Join room, be host, first online interactions etc ...


Sistema multijugador, Crear sala, Unire a sala, ser host,primeras interaciones en linea etc....