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ImpossibleGame.runengine Legacy

Version: 0.0.0over 1 year ago
It contains the lastest release-candidate and ANS versions.

What is ImpossibleGame.runengine?

ImpossibleGame.runengine is a fan-made level editor made by someone who likes The Impossible Game.

Changes in ANS-2

  • Small changes to editor's user interface.

  • Background colour now has a smooth transition.

  • Pause menu added.

  • Options screen added.


Thanks to FlukeDude for bringing this awesome game (The Impossible Game) to the world. All sprites being use here belong to FlukeDude. You should go and buy their game on Steam!

Also, thanks to Scirra for developing Construct Classic.

#fangame #arcade #platformer #editor #other


University is (almost) over.

As of right now, I do not have any plans of doing. I am going to think about what do to with the project.

I am currently taking a break from the project. And the fact I am getting bombed with University homework is not helping. xd

ANS-2 is out now. Enjoy it.

The Runthrough is back in Runengine ANS-2! (More on article)

New release: ANS-1.

A bit rushed, but only the game. The editor is pretty much complete (for now). Hopefully the next ANS release will be better.