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So peaceful, so forgiving! So rewarding! So randomized! So endless! So perfect! Our most peaceful title yet! Catch twelve different colours of salmon! Can you find the ultra rare turquoise fish?

#Peaceful #Random #Endless #Arcade #PokemonGoLike #Catchtiming #PoKeBallCircle #OneButton #1Button #Relaxing #Calming #Soothing #Easy #Satisfying #2D #Sidescroller #Sidescrolling #Sprites


You said that you think this game needs a scoring system. Would it rank your proximity to a "Perfect Catch", display a special cutscene, do both of the latter, present you with a manually-controlled inventory-manager, or do all of those at once?

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Our most-relaxing title of possibly all time, "Salmon Fishing", is due for some extra variants, as we have made plans to feature different versions that include more types of fish, plus a deluxe edition of the game that combines them all!

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