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Salmon Fishing - For Windows PowerPoint (PPT) 2019+ [Compatible With Versions As Far Back As 2010 Though)
The full Windows version of PowerPoint 2019 or newer is required to play this game. It may work in versions as far as 2010, but those are no longer supported by JadeJohnson Games, and therefore, when running our titles in said builds, things may not behave as intended or expected. Thank you.
So peaceful, so forgiving! So rewarding! So randomized! So endless! So perfect! Our most peaceful title yet! Catch twelve different colours of salmon! Can you find the ultra rare turquoise fish?
#Peaceful #Random #Endless #Arcade #PokemonGoLike #Catchtiming #PoKeBallCircle #OneButton #1Button #Relaxing #Calming #Soothing #Easy #Satisfying #2D #Sidescroller #Sidescrolling #Sprites