Comments (2)
hey!, I liked it
So, you also use Blender GE, that's pretty cool.
version 1.0 "Maze"
version 1.1 "the lake"
Suitable: 64 bit windows.
version 1.1 "Lake": Now you can pick up a lantern and use it, or throw it away.
The save and load system is not completed. It can save the player's position. And if the player has a lantern, the system will record that. But if the player throw the lanter away and save and load the game, the lantern will come back to the original position!
version 1.0 "Maze": I am sorry that you can just walk in the maze now. But the maze itself is really amazing. You can find the same maze in the old summer palace in Beingjing. It is called "the yellow array", and first built in 18th century.