
Comments (11)

What do you think?

This is looking like its gonna be a BANGER of a game


I was wondering, are you still looking for a composer for this game?

I see it says so in the description, and I just wanted to check if that was outdated or not as this project seems very interesting, and I love composing except I only really get to compose for my own projects at the moment.

Anyway, when I was playing through the games for the RPG Maker jam, Miracle really stood out to me and I thought it was great, and from what you've posted this seems like it'll be great too, which is why I wanted to reach out to you. If you do still need a composer, please let me know and I'd be happy to send you some of my songs so you can get an idea of how my songs usually sound and if you'd like my help. Anyway, I'm excited to see where this game goes!

Is this game available for mobile?

Silver Vendetta is a furry rpg game, where you guide Sky Silver thought a town full of drugs, corruption and murder.

What can the game offer:
• Handdrawn sidescroll maps
• Handdrawn cutscenes (both picture and animation ones)
• Main character + 3 side-characters
• Permadeath for side-characters
• Multiple endings
• and much more!!

This game is still in early development stage. Please be patient, as this game is developed currently by only one person.

Want to help with development, arts and other stuff? (With nothing promised in return...)

• I am currently searching for music/sound effect creators! Mostly for theme songs, some basic sounds and battle effects.
• I am looking for background artists. I need sidescrolling map arts of old streets, shops, houses, ...
• You can also help with comments, fanarts, ... Anything that will keep me motivated!

#rpg #rpgmakermv #furry #furrygame #anthro #furryrpg #town #sidescroller


I am back sooner than I expected lol

well I did not make much of an progress, but... I decided to work on the coffee shop for now, as it will be a place where a lot of quests will happen.

For now just enjoy two NPCs and unfinished shopkeeper and Sky

So... This is embarrassing and sooo unmotivational.

I lost all rpg maker files. Only artworks I saved in different folder are fine. My USB got corrupted, so... it's gone... it cannot be retrieved.

I will talk more in the article bcs too much words.

Also thanks for @NinjaChicle for doing this amazing fanart 21 days ago

Here's original post so like the shit out of it!…

This might be also a lil foreshadowing for one in-game quest. So ya can make theories about the quest here lol


So I am here once again after... 2 MONTHS?
It has been hard together with my school, oki?

Anyway I thought it would be nice to show you some final designs for 3 playable characters: Sky, Lotus and JD

And back to scripting me go.

So... I am renaming my game!!

Silver Vendetta

Just a lil explaination:

Clouded was supposed to be only a placeholder, since it barely fits the theme (and it was taken from the v1 of the story... rn it is v4 or something.)

Thanks for understanding!