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Slave of Space

Version: 0.10.0over 9 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song


Entry to ZFX VIII 48 hour GameJam.
As such it is currently unclear whether this project is continued in near future. Perhaps if a bunch of people are interested in seeing progress :D

The Topic for the GameJam was "Epic Boss Battle" so it is exactly that. Perhaps without "epic" and adding "obnoxiously hard"

Gameplay is something like a realtime based Etherlords. There are randomly chosen action cards which can be used provided you have enough ap. AP regenerate over time and well ... thats about it (what do you expect from 48h of a single developer :D)

Controls are simple ... click on the action to execute. Or wait until you die.

If you somehow manage to defeat the Boss (which i seriously doubt), there will be no more than a text telling you, that you beat it.

SFX is licenced under CC-SA (Michel Baradari,
the planetary textures and skybox are public domain

BGM, Models, other textures, scripting and stuff was all done by myself (did i mention 48h?)


Beatable Version