Comments (9)
You should upload to the site. The rules say it's not allowed to offsite link to the download.
how to dowload this game?
how do you play it
nice game
Had a great time playing this! Heres my YT video on it...enjoy!
*Magsimoo Presents: Slender Square Menace
Look forward to playing your future ventures
Slender: The Square Menace
Our take on the notorious Slenderman game, featuring a cube as the antagonist.
Head on over to www.slenderthequaremenace.com to download the game
Made in the Blender Game Engine by
RandomPickle and pqftgs
Thanks for playing!
UPDATE 2017**
-4 years later, looking back at this, what rubbish. The music + scripting was exceptional, but my level design.... just awful. Can't believe I thought it was okay.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans
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