Comments (3)
see on scratch! link: Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (mit.edu)
hey need ideas for a new version of the game ? ^^
This game is a reimagined version of Sister Location's Custom Night mode. It includes a total of 20+ characters and takes place within the private room (with some changes). This game offers a good challenge for the player with each character working differently.
This is Sister Location: Ultra Custom Night!
This game is a reimagined version of the original Sister Location Custom Night. All Controls for the game are in the custom night menu and how to defeat every character is also there. #fnaf #fangame #horror #strategy
Scratch version: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/626235991/fullscreen/
GabrielOflTM for the code
u/LAK132 On Reddit for the Sister Location Texture/Sound dump
Scott Cawthon owns the franchise.
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!