Comments (9)
After playing only a small portion of the game, I think some things may need to be tweaked and balanced, since Night 2 felt like such a high difficulty spike.
I think the power might be a little too strict, because even on Night 1, I nearly ran out of power, and I did next to nothing other than shut the doors twice with a slight bit of camera usage.(I had about 3% left ) Power in general should be more forgiving, since I do not think it is even possible to survive Night 2 with power with how much is thrown at you which are all forcing multiple actions that drain power.
Some of the characters feel a bit harsh in terms of how much time you get to deal with them, and some of the mechanics just do not feel intuitive at all, which I feel can be adjusted to keep the challenge that is already here, but make for even better gameplay in-terms of the feeling.
The cameras are just really inconvenient, and I barely have a chance to use them with how long it takes to transition to the next camera, which wastes a lot of time and usually gets me killed through the use of it.
ALL of this could just be me, and I really do not intend to come off as harsh and I am really sorrry if I do :( I feel like some adjustments could be made to a lot of aspects of the gameplay in general. I am open to assisting with balancing and play-testing if you need any! :D (only if you want it, of course) I feel like this game could be really good, just with some better gameplay design, this could be a pretty solid fan game! :D Again, I do not mean to be harsh, and I was only mentioning my honest thoughts of the game thus far. :) Despite what I said about the game, visually it is some good stuff! :D
This game seems interesting! :D Definitely considering the jump scares having some quality behind them, it surprised me. :)
I have noticed a glaring issue, and...

I do not think I completed possibly one of the hardest challenges in the game by simple death. On a more serious note, I am not sure if other trophies have this problem, but I would assume so since it seems everything would be ordered differently. I would play the game, but I would rather play it earning the trophies properly, since it feels weird having them given to me for the completely wrong thing. Thought I would let you know if you are willing to make a fix! :D
EDIT: Forgot to mention it initially, but this bug was apparent on the PC version. :D Should have specified just to be safe if the different versions of the game have some differences compared to another. :)
SNAL;R | PC Edition
SNAL;R | Mobile Port
SNAL;R | Console Edition
Welcome to the show!
Welcome to Loki's Pizza Place, where we eat pizza and play games! You've just been hired and we need someone to take the nightshift. It shouldn't be that hard, right?

"They look so... alive."
This place isn't what it seems, the child-like joy is replaced by fear and anguish..
Survive 6 nights in the pizzeria against 3 animatronics,
Loki Rabbit,
Katie Cat,
Buddy Dog,
and maybe someone new!

"I'll find a way in, I promise."
Discover more information about the restaurant's shady owner and what he is hiding.. You can select a night to play as well as unlock custom night when you beat the main game!

"Good luck, Matthew..."
Unlock cheats, gamemodes, and more by playing the game! Use cheats to play around or play gamemodes like Hard Mode to test your skills!

#fangame #horror #snal #sixnightsatlokis #puzzle #strategy #action #thriller #fnaf