
Comments (12)

What do you think?

looks interesting

also, is help available if I'm correct?


i can help you





You - You're in the game, except not really. You're basically the default Pokemon character.

Poley64 - The leader of an operation that also collects data. I think he's also a cop based on the outfit.

Central - He fixes electricity. His avatar was based on his Roblox account I believe.

Adonis - A bow tied stickman. Has a bow tie for a flashlight.

Angus - A tall stickman. He can interact with things in a longer range.


Animatronics (in game):

Robo Zaul - Standard pattern. Leader of the "Funky Five".

Skie - Robot version Sky from FNF Vs. Sky. Camps in the same area where you're at for 1-3 times.

Kappy - Robot version of Kapi from FNF Vs. Kapi. He runs faster than you, so you'd mind as well get an energy drink.

Boy - Boyfriend from FNF. He comes up to your direction, and you'll be forced to rap with him. If you miss it once, he'll jumpscare you. I tell you, this is peak. :)

☆Star Ultra☆ - Robottic Amor Ultra, and I promise you I will not make a slight of a non-funny depiction of this ex-fnf creator.

Proto-Zaul - The "Golden Freddy" or RoboZaul. He teleports in random directions, even in your face. He's not a part of the "Funky Five".


Story :

🇺🇲: Based on a concept from "Rayanna the Squirrel", a group of teenagers solve various mysteries surrounding Zaul's very suspicious looking "pizzeria" that is filled with a total of 5 animatronics including "Proto-Zaul", the most dangerous animatronic yet. Will they ever piece everything together by the 7th night?

🇪🇸: Basado en un concepto de "Rayanna la Ardilla", un grupo de adolescentes resuelve varios misterios que rodean la "pizzería" de Zaul, de aspecto muy sospechoso, que está llena de un total de 5 animatrónicos, incluido "Proto-Zaul", el animatrónico más peligroso hasta el momento. ¿Podrán juntar todas las piezas antes de la séptima noche?

🇫🇷: Basé sur un concept de "Rayanna l'écureuil", un groupe d'adolescents résout divers mystères entourant la "pizzeria" très suspecte de Zaul qui est remplie d'un total de 5 animatronics, dont "Proto-Zaul", l'animatronique le plus dangereux à ce jour. Vont-ils un jour tout rassembler avant la 7e nuit ?

🇩🇪: Basierend auf einem Konzept von „Rayanna das Eichhörnchen“ löst eine Gruppe von Teenagern verschiedene Rätsel rund um Zauls sehr verdächtig aussehende „Pizzeria“, die mit insgesamt 5 Animatronics gefüllt ist, darunter „Proto-Zaul“, die bisher gefährlichste Animatronic. Werden sie bis zur 7. Nacht jemals alles zusammensetzen können?

🇯🇵: 「レイアンナ ザ リス」のコンセプトに基づいて、ティーンエイジャーのグループが、これまでで最も危険なアニマトロニクス「プロト ザウル」を含む合計 5 体のアニマトロニクスでいっぱいの、ザウルの非常に怪しい「ピザ屋」にまつわるさまざまな謎を解き明かします。彼らは 7 日目の夜までにすべてを解明できるでしょうか?



Original Concept: Rayanna The Squirrel

Designer: @dotist , @Adonis_Stickman

Programer: @Adonis_Stickman

Planner: @Sel499

Beta Tester: @gabrielgamedev

Writing: @dotist

Voice Actor: @Sim_Naum

Composer: N/A

3D Modeler: N/A

Engine: OpenGL

Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac X OS, Super Nintendo, Game Boy

Other collaborators: N/A


#fnaf #opengl #horror #rpg #retro #fangame


We need these people for this game:

- Graphics designers

- 3D Modelers

- Composers

- Voice actors (vhs tapes only)

the logo is fixed

the description is updated

I'm designing the animatronics. :D

This guy will give you useful tips!