
Comments (7)

What do you think?

Why did you canceled this game? I wanted to play a complete finished version!

Why dont you try rpg maker its 2d but that what i use

You do not need permission from Sega. As a creator of a free fan game, you really don't need permission. Just use some ripped assets from models resource or some such site. Good idea for a project by the way. A sonic adventure rpg would be pretty cool.

I am hoping to reimagine Sonic Adventure as an RPG, with more simple controls, a more explained story, new dialogue, beta elements, and more humor, with quotes from the Game Grumps' playthrough sprinkled throughout. This will be a top-down, episodic adventure, using Sonic Advance and Sonic Battle sprites, along with a few that are original. I will try to patch up as many plot holes as I can. If I can't explain one, I'll blame Time Eater, that matter-hungry...

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence

Distractions are a real nightmare.

Almost done with the first episode

H, I, J, K, H E L P ME

I have no idea how to use fonts or scripts. I have begun to create a sprite for the upper case and lower case of every letter, and about ten sprites in that one symbol font for Chaos’ dialogue. RIP in Kill, I tried.

First build uploaded

We're not gonna make it, let's speed up!