
Comments (2)

What do you think?

This game looks fantastic... had a great time playing

Nice story! I included it in part 5 of my GameBoy Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)


Spacefarer GP edition

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

GP is Graphics present edition :D

after start screen press C to scroll through storyline text

Okay yea, so my second game on site is just a port of my first one, now done for #gbjam3

(here's original one )

Controls are the same, but now through keyboard (explained in-game).

I wanted to make a small flipbook ala game manual, but was too lazy so here's sum up.

Every enemy has a chance to drop something.

There is always 12-17 jumps to the victory.

What you can encounter:

  • *Nothing - well at least stars are pretty.

  • Stash - Someone left some supplies. How nice of them.

  • Gzake Peon - small scout craft. Doesn't hold much threat at all.

  • Gzake Vulture - medium rocket ship.

  • Gzake Eviscirator - large assault craft. Kill or be killed!

  • Gzake Destroyer - test for a seasoned veteran's guts. Final 'gate'.

P.S. if you feel generous you can donate C:

P.P.S. Thanks RymdResa for the support and for kickass palette. Check them out too:

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