Comments (5)
босс пипец простой
я больше на манекене умирал лол.
не хватает какого-то наполнения что ли, ибо когда ты проходишь босса, то контента больше нет лол.
this game was very fun! i would love to see more of this.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

The world had lived in harmony for many thousands of years. However, one day, the planet started spinning at insane speeds! It turns out the SUN was the reason to this, and 3 Great Guardians found some use for this, hereby closing off the access to the SUN with unbreakable locks. It seemed like this would destroy everything... The speed of the planet was unfathomable, and it felt like all hope is lost... Until our hero had arrived.
This is a page for the Boss Rush Jam 2025! The theme we were given is SPIN, and thus, we need to make a game about spinning in some way! It's made in a month, because of which it may contain bugs and other issues. Regardless of the time, I will gladly hear the reviews people give and fix the issues if possible!
The game itself is a top-down boss rush with active combat that is initiated by SPINNING. Defeat bosses, spend your currency on power-ups and face harder enemies! You are able to choose to fight any boss you'd like, but be aware - they will know of each other's defeat, and be prepared to face you with bigger guns! Don't forget about possible secrets and quirky events that may or may not occur! You are free to skip everything and get right to playing, but you can also hang around for a while and make of it whatever you'd like! The choice is yours.

You can find out of the basic controls here! You are able to change them in the game's settings.
[ARROWS] - Movement
[Z] - Confirm
[X] - Cancel
[Hold X] - Spin and attack
[Esc] - Menu
[D-Pad or Left Stick] - Movement
[A] - Confirm
[B] - Cancel
[Hold B] - Spin and attack
[Start] - Menu

fanimator - Leader, coder, artist, spriter, musician, SFX/VFX designer, game designer... aka, the all-band-man.
Hooded - Concept artist, playtester, gamepad playtester, brainstormer
Wild Pasta - Playtester, brainstormer
Zaxento The Greedy - Brainstormer

#action #arcade #retro #roguelike #topdown #spinoff #spin #off #active #battle #boss #rush #jam #brj #2025 #zymen #month #cool #awesome #best

Intense Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans