Comments (42)
Gave your game a go....
Hey everyone!
Let me just say that I'm quite stunned how many of you have played and (surprisingly) enjoyed my game. To be honest, I didn't really expect much, when I uploaded it on here and I'm still a bit confused by the amount of attention it got.
So thanks to all of you, who have played it and who provided me with feedback. I've worked on this prototype for over six months and didn't really had much in terms of feedback during its development.
I'll promise to take any of your suggestions into consideration, when I start working towards the full release.
And if you don't mind helping out a bit further: I have a a greenlight campaign running for this game and I could really need some more votes on there. The link to it is in the description above.
But even if you don't vote: Thank you all for playing my game, it means a lot to me.
Make the screen bigger and the controls better
very fun and addictive game :)
I gotta say, this game looks really good!
You did great,
nice trailer!!!
Splinter Zone[Prototype]
Splinter Zone is a 2D Arcade Platformer about escaping eternal punishment.
You run, jump, and shoot through an endless, random sequence of short levels with a >simple goal: Get as many points as possible before your inevitable demise.
Why? Because that's what you're supposed to do.
And who are you anyway? You don't know. You have no recollection of your past, and >all you are ever going to know is what you're going to experience once you've stepped >out of your cell.
It's up to you what to do with this existence. Be content with its ramifications and try >to perform as best as you can, or try to break the cycle of eternal punishment and find >out the reason behind your imprisonment.
Whatever you decide, your actions will have consequences and the game will change >accordingly over time.

The prototype currently consists of 20 levels and two bossfights. The sequence in which the levels appear is random, however after every 5 levels, you'll encounter a boss.
You can follow the game's development via twitter(@splinter_zone), or on its own website (splinter-zone.net)
If you have any questions, or run into problems don't hesitate to get in touch with me via email (mokkograd[at]gmail.com)
If you really want, you can also follow me personally via twitter (@ernstmokka)
Splinter Zone is currently on Steam Greenlight. Please consider voting for it!
Gamepad (recommended, only Xinput controllers are currently supported though)
left stick/dpad to move
A - jump
X - Shoot
B - Shield Powerup (if unlocked)
Y - Heal Powerup (if unlocked)
in case you want to interact with the text or terminal in the lobby, you can do so by pressing "start".
While you're reading your generated poems, you can cycle through pages via the left and right trigger buttons.
Cancel both displays with B
arrow keys to move
S - Jump
D - Shoot
F - Shield Powerup (if unlocked)
A - Heal Powerup (if unlocked)
in case you want to interact with the text or terminal in the lobby, you can do so by pressing "enter".
While you're reading your generated poems, you can cycle through pages via "Q" and "E".
Cancel both displays with esc.
Thanks for giving this game a shot, I really appreciate it!
Realistic Violence