Comments (18)
I liked this. It was pretty fun.
I especially liked how you balanced the "impossibility" of getting lines with the way it gave you lines for getting close enough.
I made a video of my playthrough:
If the pieces magnetized to each other to snap together a little better, it might give the player better chances. It's a cool concept, though! And the music was an excellent selection, reminding me of Vectorman games.
Cool game! I included it in part 14 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)
Pretty cool, it's actually relatively playable compared to some of the joke Tetris games that used the same concept. I didn't expect that, I expected a single-gag joke game xD Nice job.
Would you consider checking my game out to repay the favor?
This is the most unconventional Tetris-like game I have ever seen. I like the idea.
Stacker With Physics
#indiesvsgamers Game Jam Game. Now with sound!
Inspired by Tetris, this game gets chaotic as pieces fall around, bounce and twist in unusual ways.
I did a small 1 day prototype years ago and have been wanting to return to the concept and improve it. #indiesvsgamers game jam got me to start it new with better blocks and different physics materials. Pieces can be normal, ice, or rubber to make the physics based stacking even more fun.
Move Block - A D or ← →
Rotate - ↑ ↓