Comments (3)
Is this still in development?
Star/Crossed - DEMO
The Star/Crossed Demo introduces the two main characters who will be forced to rely on each other as they become stuck in a seemingly never ending loop of being transported to new worlds.
The demo is about 30 minutes long and introduces Sena, a normal girl from the normal town of Cresthill and Cael, the mysterious stranger found in the woods who doesn't seem to speak.
Explore the town of Cresthill, the annual Cresthill Firework Celebration and the ominous Cresthill Woods nearby.
*I'm not sure when I'll be able to complete the story I have written out for the game but for now this is a good example of what you can create in RPG Developer Bakin*
Game, Sound Design and Music: Ben Ross
Cut scene video editing: Matt Hathcox
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