
Comments (4)

What do you think?

the game is good. but i think you shold add more instructions cus i die without knowing why!

the person below triple gya

Me scared the jumpscare in the woods. Uhhhh .... That's creepy. But the game is great! Definitely like!


staying a few more nights 2 demo

Version: 0.1.0over 6 years ago
a very buggy version with only one fully playable mission and like a quarter of a mission...but none the less enjoy! : )

this is a sequel to staying a few more nights (hence the name staying a few more nights 2.) any ways unlike the first game this one has missions you must complete to unlock new characters for you custom night! enjoy! survive! and lets play a game in a game!



Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

the demo is here! for staying a few more nights two!

Easter egg challenge confirmed...