Comments (66)
Very interesting mechanics, never seen that before ;)
Awesome game, cool graphics, well done! I included it in part 18 of my GameBoy Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to check it out :)
Nice graphics and music, and an interesting concept for this little puzzle platformer.
An interesting game mechanics. We are pleased to finish the game. Great music and sounds from Nik Sudan, a special thank you to Nik.
Awesome sounds and a really cool mechanic
Steam Rogue
#gbjam3 My entry for Game Boy Jam 3, a demake of one of my older, unfinished games Steam Rogue, play the original here:
Play as steam-powered gentleman thiefbot Otto Von Steamingberg, hunt for treasures in a wacky factory, but keep an eye on your steam meter!
Up Arrow / W to Jump
Down Arrow or S to Start and Stop moving.
M to mute/unmute music
R to restart current room
Esc to return back to stage selection
Get to a treasure chest to complete level and hit steam leakages to refill your steam meter.