Comments (66)
Thanks to all who commented so far, we appreciate your feedback!
Configurable controls would be nice. I'm more used to using Z to jump and X to attack. Also, when playing on an XInput controller, only the jump button works, and movement is restricted to the left stick without the option to use the D-pad.
On a gameplay level, having to go through some extremely long rooms on one life without any checkpoints gets really grating, especially when the part that kills you is really far towards the end. Dying all at once from water is especially frustrating when there are enemies you have to avoid as well.
The camera is another issue. Often times, it puts the player on the lower half of the screen, which makes it hard to tell whether or not a pit is actually lethal unless you find a sign telling you to go down. Simply keeping the player in the middle and allowing them to control whether the camera is more up or down with the up and down arrows would work much better, and using up to jump has never been a popular control anyway, especially since with a stick, it's easy to accidentally jump when you don't want to.
As an unfinished game, it shows promise. It still has a lot to be desired, and I hope those issues are addressed in future updates. Good luck on your game!
Woah, this is one of our favorites from the jam. Amazing work! Love the leading lady and fantastic level of polish. Great animation and sfx/music, too. The different attack options were also nice. We'd love to see the level design improve to match the polish of the rest of the game. Fantastic work!
Cool story, nice graphics. I included it in part 7 of my GameBoy Jam compilation video series!
Nice graphics and music. Gameplay seems a bit bland as there are few different enemies. Level design is a bit cheap at times with ghosts appearing out of nowhere with no time to dodge and the same jumps over and over. The boss is nice, but the ranged attack makes it a bit too easy. A nice entry overall, let's see what comes from it next ^_^
Current Version: 0.5 (Beta)
Start: Enter
Melee Power (also returns enemy's fire): 'Z' Typed
Ranged Power: 'Z' Pressed
Jump (can be doubled): X or Up Arrow
Move: Arrow Keys
More Information:
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence